If you are trying to reach a member of our staff, please call our main number, (214) 970-9300, and ask for the following extensions:

Renise BerryOffice Managersberry@traconline.org4739
Nicole BinkleyCEOnbinkley@traconline.org7021
Holly DurhamDirector of Programshdurham@traconline.org4741
Tara GordonFort Worth Housing Program Managertgordon@traconline.org4755
David S. GruberInterim Director of Developmentdgruber@traconline.org7018
O’Neil HessonCommunity Engagement Managerohesson@traconline.org1344
Portia JohnsonDirector of Housing and Grant Compliancepjohnson@traconline.org4751
Katressa MolettTransition and Financial Support Services Program Manager – Fort Worth Officekmolett@traconline.org4747
Josh RunnelsDirector of Finance and Operationsjrunnels@traconline.org4745
Lori ShafferContracts Manager
April SmithTransition and Financial Support Services Program Manager – Dallas Officeasmith@traconline.org4736
Everett SmithWorkforce Manageresmith@traconline.org4740
Jackie SmithDallas Housing Program Managerjsmith@traconline.org4742